FROGS: Frome Recreation and Open Ground Supporters


FROGS is a community group of volunteers encouraging the use protection and enjoyment of outdoor spaces in and around Frome. We want to make sure that the green spaces are safe and inviting for people of all ages to enjoy.

We welcome anyone who is interested in the outdoors and making sure that we enjoy it and look after it.

FROGS have organised several bat- and bird-box building days, as well as wildlife walks. Events are also organised in the parks including along the Welshmill Greenway and in Victoria Park. They have raised funds for improvements to Frome's parks and open spaces.

Latest News

The Round House on The Other Side
The work by the environment agency is coming to an end, and they are gradually restoring the area. The Round House has been re-built, and we are going to get a new flower bed at the Rossetti House entrance, so by next spring, we will have a lovely space once more. The other beds will get refreshed as well in the near future. (18/11/24)
A lovely bird walk
12 of us joined Dan on the bird walk - we may have walked a very short distance from the town centre to Rodden Meadow, but we all enjoyed the stories and tips on identification - thank you Dan ! Look out for the wildflower walk, led by Veryan, on 5th June (05/05/24)
2023 AGM
The AGM will be on Monday 22nd May - more details on the events page and email for full venue details (08/05/23)
Tadpoles in the Roundhouse pond
Keep an eye out for the tadpoles in the new pond by the Roundhouse beside the river. Wildlife Memories are keeping an eye on it ! (29/04/22)
Celebrate Welshmill Park
We are organising a celebration on Sunday 11th September, thanks to the Peoples Budget. It is 10 years since FROGS were awarded money from the Big Lottery to improve Welshmill Park. Working closely with Frome Town Council and supported by many local groups, the park was improved and the Pump Track built during a very wet spring - not much different from now ! More details to follow. (14/02/22)
Two walks for summer !
A butterfly walk and a bat one have been arranged, but numbers are limited so check out the events page for more details, and please book early. We are hoping the weather will be kind to us ! (01/08/21)
AGM on 30th June
7:30 pm: on zoom The link was in the newsletter, but email for it. (30/06/21)
Incredible Edible Seed Swap Day
A different format for different times ! Now it is in Victoria Park. See the Sustainable Frome website for information about the day or the Incredible Edible facebook page, which also contains details about booking, time slots etc. Happy Gardening ! (17/03/21)
Looking forward to freedom !
With the gradual relaxing of restrictions due to COVID-19, FROGS are hoping to get together in the summer for more gardening at The Otherside, and maybe even some walks ! (12/03/21)
Can we keep a footpath open ?
Plans are afoot by a developer to close a piece of existing pathway by the river. The town’s Neighbourhood plan talks about - "Making the most of the River Frome corridor as an environmental and recreational asset – Our aim is that the river corridor will be seen as the central open space in the town’s network of green infrastructure with a string of inter-connected open spaces for visitors and residents to enjoy." Please checkout the following page - and if you agree that we want to keep our current walks walks and expand them not close existing ones, consider signing the petition Thanks ! (10/05/20)
Froglife is coming to Frome !
Zak Mather Gratton is a Project Officer for Somerset Green Pathways for Life and will be linking his work with conservation charity Froglife. This is a national charity specialising in Reptile and Amphibian conservation, but with a strong element of community outreach. His role will be based in and around Frome, setting up sessions, or linking up with established groups, to enable people living with dementia and their carers to get active in nature conservation projects. Look out for more news about the mid-week sessions he will be setting up ! (13/02/20)
We are getting the diary together !
Keep checking ! We are sorting dates for the walks - we plan a few more wildlife walks to add to the diary. (30/01/20)
Community Garden at The Other Side
There is still tidying to be sorted at the garden on the opposite bank from the Canoe Club. The strawberry plants in the bed by Rossetti House have been hard and bitter this year, so need pulling up and replacing with mediterranean herbs which will survive dry conditions. And the wildflower meadow has proved elusive, so the small area around the hazel tree by the Round House has been re-planted and now needs weeding. But Frome in Bloom warded a Silver to the garden, so well done all the gardeners ! (28/09/19)
FROGS receive £200 cheque from ASDA
Liz Hutchinson and Sheila Hedges wandered along to ASDA today to accept their cheque from Cool Manager Ashley (what a lovely job title !) - £200 which will help cover our expenses this year - thank you to ASDA and their customers. We need to raise enough to cover insurance and the website - not a lot, but we do need to pay these bills ! (26/08/19)
Tree Quiz - answers from tree planting day 17th March
From which tree do we get conkers? Horse Chestnut; What is another name for a Rowan tree? Mountain Ash; What is the sap of the Silver Birch traditionally used for? To make wine or beer; Straight twigs of the Dogwood can be used as what? Skewers; What tree is also called the May tree as it typically flowers then? Hawthorn; Which is the only Acer native to the British Isles? Field Maple/Acer campestre; What is another name for the berries of the Wild Service tree? Chequers; What can you make from the old berries of the Guelder Rose? Ink; Why is the Crack Willow so called? It is easy to ‘snap’ or ‘crack’ off the main twigs; What are the silver-grey catkins of the Goat Willow commonly called? Pussy willow; What are the winged fruits of the Field Maple commonly called? Helicopters; What name is given to trees that drop their leaves at the end of the growing season? Deciduous; What shrub produces purple/blackberries in autumn? Elder/ Sambucus nigra; What wood is often used to make handles for tools? Ash; What tree is traditionally said to keep witches away? Rowan/Mountain Ash; What tree has yellow catkins in spring and nuts in autumn? Hazel; The light, springy wood of what native tree was used to make boats and clogs? Black Poplar; Water pipes were made from what wood until the 18th century? Elm; What is the more common name for the sloe tree, which has white blossom in early spring? Blackthorn; What tree with silvery-grey bark produces small triangular nuts in prickly casings? Beech; (20/03/19)
Walks and Talks
FROGS have walks and talks about local plants and wildlife in the diary - details are still being finalised, but provisional plans can be found on the Events page. More herbal talks and a workshop at The Otherside are also being planned - keep checking ! (24/02/19)
2018 AGM
Our AGM will be on 20th November in the upstairs room of the Three Swans at 8pm - do join us ! (08/11/18)
Apple Day on Sunday 21st October
Frome Town Council have said the initial planting for the new orchard on the Old Showfield will start in mid October with a celebratory event planned for Apple Day on Sunday 21st October from 12-3pm. The Town Rangers have already completed an early cut of where the paths at the orchard are likely to go. (01/10/18)
Celebration Picnic
The Children’s Festival and FROGS are having a picnic at the Roundhouse on the The Otherside from the Cheese and Grain. There have been summer activities here for children with Shared Earth, and FROGS have been involved with gardening/looking after the raised beds. So now is time for a well-earned rest ! All welcome on Friday 21st September from 4pm. Children must be accompanied by a carer. Bringing food to share would be welcome, but not essential ! (27/08/18)
New Orchard on Old Showfield site.
Frome Town Council have been canvassing for comments about the proposed new orchard in the Old Showfield. (05/08/18)
The Great Whatcombe Thistle Pull
Help get the thistles at Whatcombe Fields under control ! Pop along for half an hour, half a day, whatever, between 10.30 and 3.30 on June 9th. more details - (25/05/18)
Somerset Wildlife have an event in nearby Asham Wood
There is a celebration event at an amazing woodland just west of Frome, Asham Wood. It is coming up very soon, on the 5th May. There is more information and a poster for the event here: It is partly sponsored by Frome Town Council, to highlight the wildlife value of this wood to people who live nearby. There are activities and crafts, but places need to be booked, so visit the website detailed above and enjoy a day out ! (24/04/18)
Vote for the Remakery and £38K !
Several Frome groups to do with make-and-mend are coming together to bid for £38,000 - but they need our votes. edventure, Fair Frome, The Share Shop, Open Storytellers, The Men's Shed and CoderDojo are coming together to use the money for over 100 workshops in Frome. Please visit to find out more and vote for this project. (14/04/18)
April events
There are two events on Sunday 22nd April - meet at 9 am on the bridge end of Willow Vale for a walk with Dan Lupton identifying the birds/birdsong along Willow Vale and in Rodden Meadow. Then there is an afternoon herbal workshop from 2 till 4 at the Roundhouse on the Otherside - check on the events page for more details. (13/04/18)
Yellow Fish event
Several small groups wandered around Frome Town Centre on Saturday 24th March painting yellow fish signs near the fresh water drains. This is a reminder to everyone that the contents end up in the river - and pollution can kill fish. So it'a a colourful reminder to take your litter home ! (25/03/18)
Shared Earth Learning Easter Activities
Thinking ahead to Easter, visit to find out activities over the Easter break ! (26/02/18)
The 2018 programme is coming together !
Not all the dates and times have finalised, but a bird identification walk in April, butterflies, otters (maybe signs of otters !) and wildflower walks over spring and summer are on offer. And we mustn't forget the Bat walk - this year we are going to a different venue. Plus herbal workshops in the Roundhouse, gardening sessions there as well, a yellowish project, and FROGS will have a stall at the Seed Swap and Potato Day on 25th February at the Cheese and Grain - and there is more in pipeline ! (21/01/18)
Funding for activities by the Roundhouse on The Otherside
Congratulations to the Children's Festival ! Tesco's Bags of Help has awarded funding for a Wildlife project at the Otherside. More details to follow ! (02/01/18)
Join RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch !
Help the RSPB by counting the birds in your garden - or a public park - for 1 hour over the weekend of 27-29th January. The data collected is analysed and the RSPB can find out which species are thriving and which are declining. You can request a free pack to help you get ready, along with more details via their website (02/01/18)
Forgotten Little Creatures
Victoria Hillman has launched a project to share information and to encourage Frome residents of all ages to get involved in protecting the environment, and securing a future for all the forgotten little creatures. She is raising funds to publish a book which includes photographs, all taken locally. Do visit her website: and her crowdfunder site: (27/09/17)
Help us get more funding !
FROGS and the Children's Festival Wild Life project is one of the local schemes that hopes to get funding from Tesco's Bags of Help. They have sent us the following list of Tesco stores where the voting will take place in July and August - please encourage your friends and family to vote for us if they shop there! FROME EXPRESS BA11 2TU: TROWBRIDGE Frome Rd Express BA14 0DT; Trowbridge BA14 7AQ; Brook Rd TROWBRIDGE Express BA14 9DL; Eastbne Rd TROWBRIDGE Express BA14 7HW; Leigh Pk WESTBURY Express BA13 3SD; MELKSHAM Express SN12 6TA; WARMINSTER EXPRESS BA12 8EE WESTBURY FORE ST EXP BA13 3AY (20/06/17)
Frome car-free walking group
A new group for people who like walking without driving. One walk a month, usually on a Saturday. Walks are around 8 to 12 miles long, medium pace (about 2½ miles an hour), plus picnic/café/pub stop. No need to book, just turn up. Walks are free, apart from bus and train fares. Walks undertaken at your own risk. Walks will go ahead in all but the worst weather. Please bring walking boots and waterproofs. Join the email list to receive dates of each walk - (31/05/17)
Frome Outdoor events in February/March
Don't forget these events over the next few weeks............... Saturdays 25 February, 11 and 25 March 10.30am to 12.30pm FROGS session at The Roundhouse Garden at The Other Side (alongside the river opposite Welshmill Park). Mulching, weeding, etc. Please bring a rake and/or hand tools, and gardening gloves if possible. ..........Every Thursday: Mount Community Garden, Feltham Lane, Frome. Light gardening, planning the veg growing for this year. 9.30-11.00. Drop-in. Info: ....... Most Fridays: 09.00-16.00. Help Sustrans to extend the off-road cycleway to Frome. The work involves cutting back vegetation (brambles, small trees) removing rails, building steps, benches, installing drainage systems. etc. Different locations each week. Call 01373 462549 for details. Further project info: .uk .......Saturday 11 February Asham Wood. 9.30-16.00. Help to coppice the old SWT reserve at Asham wood, Mendip’s largest and most biodiverse ancient semi- natural woodland. We will also look at some coppice crafts in the afternoon. Contact: Lila Morris, lila.morris@, 01823 653473. There will also be a similar day on Sunday the 12th March. .......Friends of the River Frome will be organising litter picks along the riverside from March onwards on Saturday mornings before the Independent Market. These will usually be from 10 onwards, meeting up by the Canoe Club in the Market yard. Details TBA. (08/02/17)
Work in the Roundhouse Community Garden is starting again
A few hardy souls last weekend were checking out the Community Garden - looking at the raised beds, and spreading mulch. Regular work sessions will be starting again and the next ones are on 25th February and 11th March. These Saturday sessions will run from 10.30am till 12.30. (26/01/17)
Join us for our AGM at The Three Swans on 10th November at 7.30 pm, and meet other like-minded supporters ! (02/11/16)
Vote for extra activities !
The Children's Festival has been shortlisted to win a day of adventure activities with Aveling Adventure and need YOU to vote for them! Go to and page down to September 26th, then vote for number 4 - Purple Elephant Productions. You may well not have heard of Purple Elephant but they are the people behind the Children's Festival, Sports Festival and Christmas Party. The deadline for voting is 5th Oct! (29/09/16)
Showfield Spectacular! on the Old Showfield
Bring a picnic and enjoy a day in the outdoors celebrating the new outside gym equipment on one of Frome's great open spaces. All taster activities are free - climbing wall, tug of war, gymnastics, walking football, zumba, self defence, face painting, bike activities, health advice, free health checks, personal training, sack race.......... plus more..... And FROGS will be there too ! (23/08/16)
Picnic at the Roundhouse
Please come and join us at 4:00 pm on Sunday 31st July for a Picnic, and enjoy the community garden we have all been creating by the Roundhouse at The Otherside, on the opposite side of the river from the Pump Track. Pavla from the Apothecary Garden - who has worked really hard designing, planting and inspiring - is moving back to Czech, so please bring and share a picnic to say 'bon voyage' and good luck ! (23/07/16)
Frome Children's Festival
Remember - Sunday 10th July from 12noon to 6pm from Welshmill Park to the Cheese and Grain. Put the date in your diary and get ready for another day full of fun! There will be sports, wildlife, stories, crafts, face painting, drumming, forest school, music and much more! AND ITS ALL FREE! See more at 2015 FESTIVAL WAS BRILLIANT! (19/06/16)
Midsummer Picnic
We are getting there ! To celebrate progress in developing the Roundhouse Garden at The Other Side, volunteers will be holding a Midsummer Picnic and Working Party at the solstice. All are welcome to come along on Monday 20 June any time between 5pm and 9pm and see what has been achieved, as well as our plans for the next stages. Bring a picnic (ideally food to share), gardening tools, gloves and sensible footwear. We will be doing jobs such as planting and mulching shrubs and climbers, preparing and planting raised beds, and cutting back weed growth. More details It won’t be all work though, as we celebrate this lovely riverside space at the centre of town. Walk from the Cheese and Grain car park over the Jensen Button bridge, turn right and keep going alongside the river – or come from the Welshmill Lane end, across the river from the play park. We also have regular volunteer sessions in June on Saturdays from 2 to 4pm and would be delighted to have more helpers – just turn up, or contact (06/06/16)
Learn about the wild meadow.
Come and help us at the Roundhouse at The Otherside, on the opposite side of the river from the Pump Track. Every Saturday in April/May between 2 and 4pm join with others to sow a wild meadow, create raised beds and make the area a pleasant place. Please wear gardening gear - it can be muddy ! And bring gloves if you have them. We have some tools, but you may prefer the ones you are familiar with, so do bring them too. All welcome ! (21/04/16)
Volunteers needed from 25th March onwards !
Can you help with some groundwork for the Pocket Park project around the Roundhouse, The Otherside (opposite Welshmill Park) ? Please look on the diary page to see whether you can join one (or more !) of the working parties. (16/03/16)
Money for The Otherside
FROGS and other local groups have received £4,000 from the Department of Community and Local Government under the 'Pocket Park' scheme to improve The Otherside (the other side of the river from Welshmill Park). Come along to 'Love your River Day' on 13th February 10 till 4 at the Canoe Club, or Seed Swap and Potato Day at the Cheese & Grain on 14th February to look at the plans ! (10/02/16)
Keep up with FTC's open spaces news
Most of the parks and open spaces are looked after by Frome Town Council. You can join their mailing list and hear their latest news and updates - visit (22/01/16)
Love Your River Day !
'Love Your River’ day is on 13th February, from 10am to 4pm You might not guess from the stretch of the river Frome that you see most often in town, but it is actually is one of the best in the country for diversity and stocks of fish. The town stretches of the river really let it down, so FTC is partnering with the Environment Agency this spring to improve the river habitat for fish and wildlife in Rodden Meadow and Weylands. Find out how you can get involved with this project by dropping into the “Love Your River” day, based at the Canoe Club on Saturday 13th Feb. (08/01/16)
A reminder about the AGM to be held on November 9th at 7.30 pm. Please mail via the 'contact us' page for details. Find out what we have been doing over the last 10 years ! (04/11/15)
Re-Wilding at Westway cinema on 22nd October with Simon King
Re-Wilding: Vision To Reality Event 22 October 2015 An event in Frome with George Monbiot, Simon King and a panel of Rewilding experts. Its at the Westway Cinema and you can get tickets if you would like to watch the panel talk live. The event is also being streamed on the internet so people can watch the talk anywhere in the world. Please share if you want to help make the world a wilder place! Tickets on sale at the cinema box office now (09/10/15)
Celebrate the Showfield !
FROGS supporters are invited to a celebration to be held by FTC at the Showfield (between the cricket field and the football pitch) on Wednesday 30 September from 11.30am onwards – drinks and cake provided! FTC want to hear your views on what should happen on the Showfield. Please send your comments and suggestions to Chris Stringer at: (28/09/15)
Transfer of Showfield to FTC set for 30th September
After the hospital and Medical Centre were built on the green site, FROGS set in motion an application to make the old Cheese Showfield a Village Green. A year ago, we were approached by Frome Town Council and asked to withdraw the application so that ownership could be transferred to the council, and thence to a trust so no more development could take place there. And at last that is happening ! (15/09/15)
Celebration in the Park !
Come to the Community Picnic on Saturday 29th August from 12 to 2pm at Welshmill Park. This will be a way of celebrating the new play equipment at Welshmill, and there will be children's activities, storytelling, and outdoor games. Bring some food to share ! (04/08/15)
Summer holidays -free activities for children and teens !
Don't forget to check out the facebook page of the Frome Children's Festival to find free events over the holidays for children and teens. (04/08/15)
New Equipment in Welshmill Park
An activity trail and a tunnel have been added to Welshmill Park, adding to the enjoyment for the summer holidays ! The new grass may be a little sad at the moment, but, like the grass around the pump track, it will recover - isn't it amazing how the dry spells coincide with new turf ? (17/07/15)
A great day at the Children's Festival in Victoria Park
There may have been the odd shower, but we had a great day at the Children's Festival on 12th July. Victoria Park and Mary Bailey Field saw many local families enjoying this free event. Watch out for information about more free activities over the school summer holidays. (17/07/15)
Frome Half Marathon are looking for marshalls
Contact to volunteer on the day ! This very popular event will take place on 19th July 2015 - your help is needed ! (10/03/15)
Frome Children's Festival needs your support !
If you can help at the Food Feast on 4th July or the Main Event on 12th July please contact This is a great event - and your help will be greatly appreciated ! (10/03/15)
edventure have started work on the Community Garden !
Look out for edventure working on the Community Garden at Welshmill. And let them know if you can help ! (13/12/14)
More work to start in Welshmill
edventure apprentices will soon be starting to create their Community Garden behind the allotments at Welshmill - keep a lookout for their call for volunteers ! (23/10/14)
FromeFM programme on Children's Festival
Our community radio station was out and about at the Children's Festival. Listen to the programme here (17/09/14)
Did you see Simon King at at the Children's Festival?
What a great day! A big thank you to Simon King, all the helpers, those who ran activities and everyone who came to enjoy the day. And takingpictures have posted a short video on Youtube about the event - follow this link (31/07/14)
Changes to the Walks Programme
Please note - the walk on 15th August has had to be cancelled, and the walk to look for bats has been changed to 30th August. - More details on the diary page. (27/07/14)
The first ever Frome Children's Festival on 27th July
There will be a whole range of activities taking place along the river bank from the Cheese and Grain to Welshmill Park running from mid-day to 8pm. The event is being opened by Simon King, and there will be masses to do and see, with lots of hands-on activities. Craft, dance, music, hobbies, refreshments..... Much of it will be free (although not the refreshments !), but some events will require a wrist band for children to take part, and these can be purchased from the Cheese and Grain for £5 (concessions are available from the Children's Centres). And the Cheese and Grain has a music event in the evening to round off the day. Don't miss out ! (19/07/14)
Mayor's Donation
Many thanks to Mayor Dickon Moore who raised over £2,500 which was split between his chosen charities Friends of the River Frome, Open Storytellers, and FROGS. He and Mayoress Maddy have joined us at several of our activities over the past year, and we welcome his support. (08/06/14)
Garden Party on 4th May
The Mayor is having a Garden Party on Saturday 3rd May, from 2 till 5.30 at 33 Vicarage Street (entrance in Blindman's Lane). All proceeds are going to his chosen charities - Friends of the River Frome, Open Storytellers, and FROGS - so do go along and support the event ! (21/04/14)
Wildlife on your Doorstep - walks Programme
Check out the diary for a varied programme of walks - the first one is on 20th April. Plants, birds, fossils, animals, riverside - widely differing interests are catered for on a series of local walks throughout the spring and summer under the title "Wildlife on your Doorstep". (08/04/14)
Forest School Cancelled 15/02/2014
The weather got to us ! The heavy winds and rain mean it is not sensible to have in activity in the Welshmill Glade, so the session has been cancelled. (14/02/14)
Have you got an idea for the Children's Festival ?
Come to the Cheese and Grain on 1/2/2014 between 1 and 4 to tell us your ideas for Frome Children's Festival on July 27th - a festival for all young people. Can you help us make the festival happen ? Some funding has already been received from FTC, FDCIC and Aster. Children are the responsibility of parents/carers at all family events. (23/01/14)
Millennium Green Orchard Wassail Sunday 26th January 2.30 pm
Dress warmly ! Come with your hearty singing voice and pots & pans to bang... Apple cake & some good Somerset cider will be provided ... but any more refreshments welcome. (23/01/14)
4th January Forest School Postponed
Although this session had to be postponed (the rain, the rain...) FROGS hope to run a family forest school morning in February - watch this space ! (04/01/14)
Excellent day in Welshmill park !
Around 300 people dropped into Welshmill Park throughout Sunday to visit FROGS and the Box-Building site. SWT, and the Bat group enabled families to make boxes for birds, bats, and insects and have advice on where to site the homes. A willow weaving activity decorated hedgehog boxes. Some bird boxes were given back to be placed along the river - there will be a walk incorporating the sites. There was green woodworking and lathing. Plus refreshments from Claud the Butler and pizzas from edventure. And it didn't rain, (although it was cold....) ! (25/11/13)
Box Building Update
Refreshments will be provided by Claud the Butler, and edventure's pizza oven. Help will be on hand to make the boxes, and advise on where to site them. Although we are hoping there will be boxes left to be fitted along the river. Then a walk can be set up to see them. (15/11/13)
More on the box-building day 24th November, 11 tlll 3
Plans are moving forward - Thanks to Valley Sawmills, Screwfix at Shepton Mallett and Mole Valley Farmers at Standerwick for donating materials for our box-building day. And Mole Valley Farmers and Rossetti House for offering help on the day. We have tents/gazebos - just in case it rains! (06/11/13)
More news on box-building day
Build a box, make a home for birds, bats, insects, hedgehogs etc on Sunday 24th November, 11 till 3 at Welshmill Park. Other groups will be present - Tim Gatfield from the Cherry Wood Project with green wood lathing ( Pizzas from edventure's new pizza oven plus other refreshments. Come & join in the fun ! (03/11/13)
More funding for Welshmill !
The Big Lottery have given FROGS money from the 'Celebrate Your Space' Fund enabling us to have a session building boxes for wildlife - bird boxes, bat boxes, insect homes etc. So join us on Sunday 24th November in Welshmill Park to give wildlife in Frome a helping hand ! (26/10/13)
Vote for Openstorytellers
Openstorytellers, who helped organise the Storytelling event, have been shortlisted for an award - British Award for Storytelling Excellence (BASE), in the category of Outstanding Community Project. Please, please can you take 5 minutes to register and vote at But this weekend is almost your last chance as voting closes at 9pm Tuesday 1st October. (29/09/13)
FromeFM's programme on Welshmill & river
The programme that FromeFM were garnering from the Storytelling event in Welshmill will be broadcast at 12.30 pm on October 12th on 96.6FM, and will be available about a week later on their website (29/09/13)
Storytelling in Welshmill Sunday 22/09/2013
A great time was had listening to stories, laid back in deck chairs, or perched on straw bales - with Jem Dick, Frome Story Circle, Openstorytellers and authors Enid Barnfield and Andrew Saunders on Sunday 22nd September. In addition, Dorothy-Anne Bryant recorded memories of the Park and river for her programme 'Meandering' to be broadcast on 12th October (new date). Thanks to all who came, including the Mayor and Mayoress. (25/09/13)
FROGS win award !
FROGS were presented with the Heart of Somerset award for Environment Champion on 25th September at a celebration lunch at Wookey Hole. Well done, everyone ! (25/09/13)
Storytelling in Welshmill Sunday 22/09/2013 1pm till 4 pm
Timetable - we are starting at 1pm - welcome & Opening Performance with Jem Dick, a Professional Storyteller and Musician. Then at 1.20pm Enid Barnfield - reading from her Bobby the Sheep Books followed at 1.40pm by Frome Story Circle - Presenting a showcase from their monthly meetings with Lesley Hughes, Lisa Kenwright and Tracey Lockley . At 2.25pm - Andrew Saunders - reading an excerpt from his book ‘The Doors of Time’, about a sister and brother who travel back through the story of their home-town (9-13yrs) . At 2.45pm more stories ! Openstorytellers presents…. Local charity co-run by young adults with Learning Disabilities. Helps people find personal meaning in traditional stories and to find their own voice . Now - a chance for you - 3.10pm Open discussion and questions . 3.40pm Closing stories by Jem Dick . 4pm Event finishes . (18/09/13)
Somerset author to visit Welshmill
Enid Barnfield, author of the Bobby the Sheep stories for children which raise money for Children in Need will be coming to the Storytelling Day at Welshmill on 22nd September. Sadly, Bobby himself won't be coming ! (26/07/13)
More Balsam Bashing with Friends of the River Frome
Thursdays 1st August and 8 August 10:30 am - 12:00 pm at Blatchbridge - We are welcomed by the farmer and may park near the fence on her drive just before the bridge on the right. Bring waders if you have them but some will be available. Bank work is also needed. The nettles are vicious so dress appropriately. Long secateurs could be useful. Saturday 10 August 10.30am and Monday 12 August meet at the Cheese and Grain. Other groups are working on an ad hoc basis but it is getting urgent - seeds are appearing only a week or two after the first flowers. (25/07/13)
Balsam Bashing with Friends of the River Frome
Meet at the Key Centre in Feltham Lane on Thursday 18 July from 10am - 3.30pm or as long as you can manage. (15/07/13)
FROGS Festival weekend 13/14 July
Don't forget - Saturday 13th July, Forrest School in the glade 10 till 4. Then on Sunday 14th in the park there will be circus skills, and the children's bus with face painting. The action takes place 1 till 4 - bring a picnic ! (07/07/13)
Anthony Rogers will be installing his picnic table & benches this Wednesday 3rd July. He made the lovely bench and way markers for Welshmill. Millenium volunteers will be there all day but would love some others to turn up & help not only with installing but to do some more nettle clearing etc. (02/07/13)
Excellent Days out !
The Wildlife Roadshow in May and the Bike Jam plus Activity Day in June were busy events that attracted several hundred visitors to the Park. Please carry on supporting the events in Welshmill - there is Forest School on 13th and Circus Skills on 14th July - both are part of Frome Festival. Helpers always needed ! (25/06/13)
8th June Consultation
The Frome Community Gardens Group wants to know what you would like to see in a community garden on the showfield. Visit their gazebo on the showfield next Saturday, 8th June, 10am - 2pm and tell them what you think. Children and adults will be able to plant a seed, and find out what a community garden is and what is happening in Frome. The garden will be part of wider changes for the showfield, organised by the Town Council. (02/06/13)
Next FROGS events !
Look out for news of the next big event on Saturday June 22nd - a Bike Jam and Outdoor Activity Day. Family Forest School is on 15th June. (02/06/13)
Wildlife Roadshow - a fantastic day !
The Roadshow on Sunday 19th May was a resounding success ! Hundreds of people ambled through Welshmill enjoying games in the woods, and talking to all the environmental groups present, not forgetting to pause for a cuppa. There was an entertaining question and answer session, hosted by F.R.O.G.S. own Ali McColl, with Toby Nolan (BBC Researcher), Steve Mynard (Local teacher and wildlife enthusiast), Eve Tigwell (Somerset Wildlife Trust) and Simon Woollen (Frome Town Council). All in all, a great day out. Look out for news of the next big event on Saturday June 22nd - a Bike Jam and Outdoor Activity Day. Family Forest School is on 15th June. (21/05/13)
Huge Wildlife Event to be held at Welshmill Park, 19th May
F.R.O.G.S. are organising a massive Wildlife Event at Welshmill Park, beside the river in Frome, on Sunday 19 May from 12 noon to 4pm. We have lined up a whole host of local experts and enthusiasts keen to share their knowledge with you about bats, bees, birds, otters, plants, skulls and bones, a barn owl, medicinal herbs, geology and fossils. There will be activities for adults and children, including willow-weaving, a mini-beast hunt, and edible planting; and a Question and Answer session on the lines of Springwatch Unsprung. Friends of the River Frome will bring a display about their Strategic Report on the river; Missing Link will be able to tell people about the latest progress on extending the cycle-path; there will be information on Community Gardens, Natural World events, gardening for wildlife, and the Millenium Green. We will be welcoming several wildlife celebrities to the event. These include Toby Nowlan, who was brought up in Frome, but now travels the world as a Researcher for the BBC Natural History Unit. He has recently returned from a wildlife trip to Hawaii, and last year worked on the BBC programme Wild Arabia. There will also be Dave Hamilton, a freelance writer, food forager, gardening tutor, and garden design consultant, who lives in Frome and occasionally appears on television and radio, and writes for the Guardian, Grow Your Own, and BBC Gardener’s World magazine. At the Wildlife Event he will be advising visitors on gardening for wildlife, and we hope he will also lead a foraging walk. Eve Tigwell is Chair of the Somerset Wildlife Trust and is well-known to local naturalists as she gives talks and leads bird and flower identification walks in the East Mendip area. Mick Ridgard, Chairman of the East Mendip Group of the Somerset Wildlife Trust, and of Frome Area Wildlife Group, is a keen ornithologist, and can tell us all about wild flowers and butterflies. Steve Mynard, a well-known local teacher, will be bringing his expertise on invertebrates from both the river and the woodland floor. Visitors can study the mini-beasts closely under his microscopes. Put the date in your diary, bring a picnic, and have a great afternoon come rain or shine. (15/04/13)
Programme about the River
Dorothy-Anne Bryant from FromeFM, who will be recording memories of Welshmill during the Story Telling day on 21st September says - "FromeFM have a programme in which Dr Mark Vose and I walk along the river and discuss the plans for opening up Sustrans path to Low Water and beyond. It is fascinating to hear what is planned. It is available now on the internet by going to and clicking on "programmes" then "talk" on the buttons at the top followed by "meandering" on the list at the side." Listen to her programme to get a flavour of things to come ! (20/03/13)
Victoria Park Survey
Let the council know your view on Victoria Park ! The link for the survey is here: the survey window closes on 2nd April and it is also on the FTC website and Facebook page (19/03/13)
Victoria Park Consultation
FTC are having a very informal consultation alongside some activities and (most importantly) FREE CAKE in Victoria Park Saturday, 16th March, 11am- 3pm. The session aims to gather opinions about how people use Victoria Park and what sorts of things they would like to have in the park in the future. (13/03/13)
First Aid Course organised for volunteers
Friends of the River Frome are organising a First Aid Course with St John's Ambulance for volunteers at a cost of approx. £30. If you are interested, please contact Clive Crews via email (06/03/13)
More details about activities in the Park
Visit the 'Joining In' page to see the diary of events for the rest of the year. With the £3,500 from the Big Lottery we have mapped out sessions from April till September. Come and enjoy yourselves in and around Welshmill Park. (11/02/13)
Grant for Activities along the Welshmill Greenway
An application to the Big Lottery has resulted in £3,500 to spend on family sessions of Forest School, a Wildlife Roadshow, a Story Telling Day, a Bike and Health Day, tools to maintain the track, and a first birthday celebration. More details to follow ! (09/11/12)
The celebration picnic - a successful day !
Well over 500 people came to Welshmill on 29th September to celebrate the completion of the first phase of refurbishment. The tower and sand pit were a hit ! The pump track was buzzing with music and demo rides. Top bikers, who ride at national and international level were present - it was a really great day, and many people provided feedback and suggestions for what to do in the next phase. And the weather, for once, was kind ! Thank you to all the volunteers who made the day a success - not forgetting the cake ladies who helped to raise money to keep FROGS swimming. (29/09/12)
Picnic Celebration on Saturday 29th September
Come and join us from 11 am onwards to celebrate the launch of the improvements to Welshmill Park which were completed in time for the school holidays ! There will be children's activities such as making clay faces and a climbing wall, the official opening at 12 noon and a biking demonstration at 1 pm. Come and join us ! (24/09/12)
Park OPEN - July 24th
The safety Inspector checked out the park on Monday - there is still work to do, but we can now enjoy the refurbished area ! Dress safely for the track, including a helmet. (24/07/12)
Planting in the Park on 14th July at 2pm
Please help with the work at Welshmill Park - mainly planting (please bring a spade if you have one). There may be other general tidying up or woodwork or painting to do. We are nearly ready to open ! (10/07/12)
More Volunteer help needed at Welshmill
The work at Welshmill Park is underway and there will soon be opportunities for volunteers to help with planting. Help may also be needed to paint the swings that have been taken down ready to re-site them in the playarea. (25/06/12)
Welshmill Celebration Day on 21st July POSTPONED to 29th Sep
The rain ! The rain ! The rain! The track and play area will be finished for the August school holidays, but the grass and turf and seeds are still too fragile for a mass picnic !
So celebrate the re-furbishment of the Welshmill Park in September !
Picnic at 11 am, then learn how to ride the new track in the afternoon. (22/06/12)
Welshmill Update
The bike contractor has been chosen and work has started ! Volunteers needed to help with planting over the next few weeks. Look at our diary for the dates. (24/05/12)